About us
In 2005, two young(ish) Battlefield 2 players decided to start their own gaming community. They wanted to play on their own servers with like-minded gamers, as well as a place away from the battelfield to socialise and have fun. A place where everyone puts down their weapons and calls a truce to any fighting.
After investing in several gaming servers and throwing together a website, 'The DMZ' was born, and the community quickly grew to over 100 members from across the globe who all shared the same approach to gaming - play hard, have fun, and don't be a dick!
As the Battlefield franchise started to lose it's appeal in 2006, three of the founding members decided to try out a new game that took them away from their FPS roots - an MMO called World of Warcraft. Duffry, MysticPigeon, and Zulu (DMZ!) entered the world of Azeroth, and founded The DMZ Guild with same basic principles as the BF2 community; a place where no fighting is allowed and people's behaviour, manners, and kindness to each other are always more important than their skill with a mouse and keyboard!